THINK BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION Though these four words were not original with him. . .they exploded in my spirit and I’ve been meditating and provoking close friends with them ever since. Let’s start by establishing a very basic fact. There are only two ways you can see something. First, with your natural eyes. Second, with your imagination. The word imagination is defined in the Merriam Webster Intercollegiate Dictionary as: “the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality.” Your imagination is the thing that allows you to see the future before it happens . Here are seven things, reasons, ways and keys to think beyond your imagination. # 1 Imagination is not bad, evil or unproductive. . .but we may be. Your imagination is neither good nor bad or evil. . .it becomes whatever you decide it to be. If God created your imagination. . ...